Friday, 7 October 2011

Steve Jobs dies.

Got any Jobs?
 I feel that as a blogger, it is somewhat compulsory to say something about this Steve Jobs death thing. Not that it has really affected me in any way whatsoever, but I just feel like I need to be one of those bloggers that seems to have to have an opinion on this sort of thing, ie everyone. Yes, my personal opinion is going to make a difference to the world, boring one person at a time... In any case, I guess he did do a lot for modern day technology...

I feel a bit backward about all of this, seeing as I only found out yesterday on facebook (how apt) having spent a horrendously busy day running to and fro from everywhere, and doing anything. I guess that it didn't register at first, but now it has, I don't think it's going to affect me too much. And I found out about it on my PC, as opposed to me iProduct, as I don't think that I have ever owned a product from Apple ever.

Ipod... through the years!
I always thought of Apple as being somewhat shiny and overrated and something that I couldn't really have because nice things in my possession generally tend to get destroyed. And besides, everything looked so pristine that I don't really deem myself worthy enough to own it, as it'll just get dirty. Apple stuff needs to be fingerprint-less, not scratched or cracked. Who the hell would get their Apple product damaged in the first place? If I'm paying a stupid amount of money for this thing, I'd want to put it in a cabinet far far away and away from any harm.

I do agree that all of their stuff does look very pretty. But when they released that iPod without a screen?  I know this is going back a fair while, but the iPod shuffle seemed a bit pointless. You had no screen, so you couldn't see what you were listening to, or what was up next, or select anything. I think that sort of thing is made for the really daring types, or those who love ALL of their music and can't be bothered to listen to a full album. I never had one myself, and quite glad that I haven't. It would've driven me insane, as half the time I don't know what I'm listening to anyway.

 Also, their laptops, (aptly named macbooks) are very pretty as well. I had a go typing on the keyboard once, and it was amazing. I had never typed on a keyboard so beautiful, yet I didn't think that it would really be worth considering buying a computer just on the principle of keyboard comfort. Maybe in a few years I may be able to buy such luxury products on a whim, but at the moment I would like to protect my credit rating and not go into debt, with the huge black hole of university fees looming up ahead. This is what I don't understand, why are Apple products so expensive?

Yes, it's a brand, and a big one at that. Steve Jobs helped it with his magical song and dance at every convention and unveiling of new product, but because of that they've stuck an unnecessary excess price on every item. This is what makes them more of a "coveted, but not really too bothered about not having it" brand to me, rather than must have. Sadly, I do not have more money than sense, and if I find a laptop with better specs and half the price of a macbook, I would side with the former.

 I guess the thing with Apple is they're not really inventing new things, just more modifying the stuff we've got into something smaller and neater and cuter and more convenient... and fusing things together. I hope that the next big brand to rise up out of this will actually start making something completely different from this tablet PC vein we're currently stuck in....

Pic ENTIRELY related.

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