Alien life forms are a mathematical probability. Actually, probably more of a certainty, due to the great property this universe has, which is called being infinite. However, I have some beef with this guy. Giorgio A. Tsoukalos (the A is for Aliens). I could not have not watched a programme on tv where one of the guest speakers is consistently terribly wrong.
The programme in question is Ancient Aliens, the ridiculous History channel phenomenon which is available to watch in its full glory on the wonder of youtube. Not that you'd want to watch it... I swear that that show takes up an hour of your life that you won't be able to get back, so I advice that you find something productive to do alongside watching it.
This show is all about proving how aliens played an influential role in advising and educating ancient civilisations, giving them the knowledge of how to do crazy shit like move stone blocks, just to confuse future civilisations. Of course this show takes into no account any sort of logical explanation for these things. Science? Physics? Pah, who needs to listen to them when aliens did it?
Besides, aliens sound cooler.
Giorgio is these alien's advocate. He is their voice in this day and age, they need to be heard. He has a degree in sports journalism or something, so of course this means that he is adequately qualified to give a balanced assessment on archaelogical sites aned evidence, and extrapolate from them. Do they do much extrapolation in sports degrees? Because he sure is good at it. Whereas normally a simple pulley system would mean that these ancient people were able to lift large slabs of stone, in this case you're mistaken. Aliens made these large stones overcome forces of gravity, levitate and be placed into some significant positions in accordance with the earth's gravitational field/synergy with nature, blah blah blah.
Doesn't it strike this man that ancient people may have been more in tune with nature than we are today because, well, we hadn't destroyed or disfigured it at that point? Also, we were finding things out for ourselves, I don't think some alien came down and planted these ideas into our ancestor's heads by thought conditioning. Jeez.