Friday, 9 December 2011

Grumpy Guts.

I'm not quite sure as to the reason why, but I've been ever so grumpy lately. By grumpy I guess I mean in a near-enough constant foul mood with people, becoming irritated by the slightest thing that displeases me. Of course it's all completely irrational (or I'd like to think that it is), but bloody annoying. I want to go back to not being the One-that everyone hates because they hate you.

Might it be something to do with my housemates? For starters they're just not as cool as the original housemates (due to the fact that I got a new set of them in September/October, replacing my favourite familiar faces with new ones D:), but let's face it, no one will ever be. They're also not as old as the old housemates either. Old housemates were all postgrad, either working or going back to study for their Master's, so were around their early 20s. That was fine, I'm used to hanging around older people than me, in fact I rather enjoy it. But now, this lot are all young! It's quite scary thinking that most of this lot were living at home this time last year, seeing as they're all freshers. But now I've gone from being the youngest person in the house to one of the oldest, and I don't really like it. It feels like I should have responsibility over something, when all I really want is none at all. I have too much doing other things, fuck that.

The other weird thing about having younger housemates is obviously that they lack life experience, and these guys haven't had a year in the halls to toughen them up. Their attitude just seems rather naive to me, making a big deal about small things (well, not necessarily small but small enough for me to overlook them these days). For example, a busy week rota'd in at work. Inwardly I would be cursing and swearing, yet I wouldn't be moaning about it to everyone, because let's face it, no one really wants to hear you going on about your problems again and again. It also looks to me as they're viewing university as some big extension to school... Oh dear.

The other annoying thing is that they're also making me miss my parents. Which is weird, because I don't normally miss them.... I went through pretty much all of last year without missing them, so why now? I guess it's because these kids are either off to their parents' at the weekend, staying there and seeing all of their friends etc etc, so it seems like they haven't moved in properly at all., How can you move in and settle when you go home for the weekend? I thought this was meant to be a big step for independence, most people need this! I know that I did when I left home, and I'm more responsible now for it. But if you go back to Mum and Dad every weekend it's hardly showing your independence or solidarity is it?

Hm. It's probably a bit of an "it takes one to know one" situation here, so I'm sure they'll grow out of it fast/into individuals who can fend for themselves. I guess that I'm just jealous of their youth.

Maths shall rule the world.

Yep. This is maths in action.
If it doesn't already, that is. And I'm pretty sure that it's the under-ruling, underlying principle for pretty much everything in this universe. What I just don't quite understand is how so many people hate maths. WHY?! It's easy! It's brilliant! Most of the time you can only be right or wrong, and if you become really good at it you get to play with imaginary numbers! Like the square root of -1!

I don't know. Maybe I'm just sad, and have it in my genes (practically a certainty). But if you think about it, it's the universal language of everything. Go to a man in Vietnam (provided that he's somewhat educated in arithmetic), indicate the amount of product you want by holding up the relevant number of fingers, he give you correct amount most of the time. You understand? Even something as simple as that is understood everywhere. And you can use it to help formulate and prove theories... It goes on and on and on.

Why are people stuck at 45 x 56? Can no one acquaint themselves with Pythagoras as easily as they used to? Because it seems that all you lot got stuck at the boring bit. You know that we have calculators to do all the silly little arithmetic work these days, one must save one's thoughts for something more testing! Like coming up with new theorems and shit. If you're too busy trying to devise some sort of mechanism or order for a black hole, the last thing you want to be doing is multiplying 438776888 by 29.

I've realised that I like Maths because it makes sense. Having a couple of weeks of maths lessons has made me want more. May be it's a good thing that I stopped before calculus (I think) etc etc... I enjoy being blissfully unaware.

I'm going to do a post about neurotransmitters cos they're awesome.

I love neurotransmitters more than I love maths these days. And don't get me wrong, maths is excellent! Yet if it weren't for these lovely little things that opened up my happy pathways, where would I be without neurotransmitters? Life would be terrible without them. Of course, I barely know anything about this. I might as well waffle on about my favourite couple of chemicals, overgeneralise and misrepresent the whole field and degrade and misinform people of these wonderful things. Oh well. But just so you're warned, I don't know much about this yet. But I shall do at some point soon.

So I guess that first we have our amino acids. Glycine, Alanine, Valine, Leucine, Isoleucine, Methionine, Proline, Cysteine, Phenylalanine, tyrosine and Tryptophan. Of course, this is not them all. There are 20 in total, or sometimes 21. It's debatable. However, Tryptophan is the super-duper one that is on my wall at the moment. It is an essential amino acid, ergo must be obtained through diet (I heard that turkey's good, and so's cheese, but I wouldn't place money on it) and helps with release of the neurotransmitter serotonin and in turn, some sort of synthesis of melatonin as well. That's the happy chemical and sleepy chemical to those who aren't so bio-molecularly minded out there...