It feels like I can finally now relax after I've got these bloody exams out of the way and done now. No more worrying that I'm procrastinating too much and not revising enough, or the converse - revising too much and not procrastinating enough. Well that's it. They're bloody over now, and it's really weird how I still somehow like the whole sports hall experience. Don't get me wrong, the fifteen minutes that you're stood outside of the damn place, waiting to be ushered in, feels like purgatory. Those fifteen minutes just can't go fast enough whilst you're stood there with a sick feeling in your stomach and the horrible realisation that you've forgotten everything whilst your classmates know the insides and out of each topic. However, once you're in there and you "may begin", I always find a calm come over myself (despite the previous unnecessary panic) after scanning through the questions, and realise that I actually haven't forgotten everything that I know about anything. And, if it's a nice paper, it's actually fun answering questions and showing off a little bit. Those two factors make 2 and a half hours sat in a freezing cold gymnasium not seem too bad after all. However, it is nice to know that I won't have to be experiencing that again in a little while.
finished an hour early? EXCELLENT USE OF TIME |
However, converse to my academic achievements/prowess/ progress, the government is set to launch a summer of sport, streamed right to your television screens. Do you know how I am aware of this? I was only aware of Euro 2012 (the football championship thingy where all of Europe participate - kind of like eurovision except they only sing at the start of each match and then run around for 90 minutes, but it's all just as politically involved) when my Facebook newsfeed filled up with news of an England match taking place, and every shot, dribble, pass and goal being meticulously analysed. When this happened for a Ukraine match 2 hours later, I knew something must have been up. Football was on terrestial TV.
I would not want this man in charge of ANYTHING |
What a shit logo |
And then there's the Olympics. Yay. The Olympics. They're great and traditional and from Greece, but is it really the year for us to host it? We're a nation run by buffoons! Prince Philip is bound to upset everyone if someone accidentally switches on his microphone or lets him near any of the foreign spectators. Actually, it would be rather amusing, but think of the Queen's embarrassment. To be fair, Prince Philip is the least of our worries. A main one actually, should be the opening ceremony. Undoubtedly Gary Barlow from Take That will contribute, and it's such a shame that the rest of the world aren't into him (or know about him) as well as the British media does. So there's the embarrassment of him turning up and no one knowing who he is....
Then the annoying fact that the Olympics are driving the price up of ANYTHING that is within a 100 mile radius of London, and causing great traffic congestion. What an arse for anyone trying to get to work through the games, especially if they wouldn't normally give two shits about the thing. We will also have no excuse to stay up until silly o'clock in the morning to watch the sailing because everything's going to be run on GMT. What am I going to do if I wake up at 3 am and fancy watching Japan and Moldova's women's netball teams battle it out? No can do now, it went on at 2pm yesterday afternoon. Bugger.
To be honest, all this sport is over hyped. I'm going back to thinking, it doesn't cause as much traffic.
Rush hour reaching new all time lows. |
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