Saturday, 21 April 2012

I really can't think of what to talk about

It's somewhat vexing me. I swear I've been meaning to make a move on somehow tainting this blank text box for the best part of a day now, and I've still not gotten round to doing it. Well, now I have. But I hadn't before. Obviously. Anyway, I don't know whether this counts because it's all padding isn't it?

I don't know what should be my topic of discussion today. The upcoming Olympic Games? TV shows? That woman who doesn't seem to keep on top of her diary in regards to kicking Al Qatar out of the country? Or then again, we have psycho norweigian cold blooded killer who would quite easily "do it again" ["it" referring to massacring lots and lots of people for no good reason besides the fact that he is actually Hitler incarnate.] I'm most certainly not talking about the weather. What about feelings?

God no. We spend too much time fussing over ourselves that I don't need to write about it in here. I know I don't do that, but I'm sure there are 4 or 5 people to every me on these internet blog things, whingeing about first relationships, girlfriends, boyfriends, friends etc. Obviously these are those who still haven't learnt that a blog is something completely different from a diary. It's one thing if your guardian happens to catch a glance at an open page of your diary one day and it's you bad mouthing off someone else. I'd say bitching, but it's to yourself really, isn't it? However, in a diary format, if I were a parent, I wouldn't be surprised if they put down that they hated me and I wouldn't be too upset because it's private. The fact that I'd sneaked a peek was a betrayl of trust already!

However, blogs don't quite work like that. They are available for the whole online community to view (unless you've put up some special details or something) including Mum and Dad. They brought you into this world, and they'll be pulling the plug on your laptop pretty soon if you're slagging them off for the world to see. Of course, it would be in a post that would be no interest to anybody (apart from possibly your amigos from school?)because there are so many posts effectively saying exactly the same thing.

I am also proud to admit "pots and kettles" here as well.

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